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  • Костюк, Світлана Сергіївна; Пальчикова, Олександра Олександрівна (Криворізький національний університет, 2019)
    The collection offers grammar and lexical material, various kinds of exercises, texts, dialogues, visual means which contributes to the development of intercultural competence. The collection is intended ...
  • Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Striuk, A. M.; Стрюк, Андрій Миколайович (Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, 2013-03-21)
    Today we are presenting the 1st volume of CTE Workshop Proceedings, a Diamond Open Access peer-reviewed journal published annually by the Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences. CTE Workshop Proceedings depict the latest ...
  • Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Striuk, Andrii M.; Теплицький, Ілля Олександрович; Стрюк, Андрій Миколайович (Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, 2014-03-20)
    The International Workshop will take place on December, 20, 2013 in Ukraine. It was an excellent occasion for specialists of different fields, e.g. IT specialists for e-learning design, e-learning tutors, teachers and ...
  • Ків, Арнольд Юхимович; Соловйов, Володимир Миколайович; Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович (Arnold E. Kiv, Vladimir N. Soloviev, 2019-09-09)
    This is an introductory text to a collection of papers from the CTE 2018: The 6th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education, which was held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the December 21, 2018. It consists of short introduction ...
  • Ків, Арнольд Юхимович; Shyshkina, Mariya P.; Семерiков, Сергій Олексійович; Striuk, Andrii M.; Striuk, Mykola I.; Shalatska, Hanna M. (Arnold E. Kiv, Mariya P. Shyshkina, 2020-07-20)
    This is an introductory text to a collection of papers from the CTE 2019: The 7th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education, which was held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the December 20, 2019. It consists of short ...
  • Vardanian, Maryna; Dyrda, Iryna; Kirieieva, Marharyta; Варданян, Марина Володимирівна; Дирда, Ірина Анатоліївна; Кірєєва, Маргарита Вікторівна (Atlantis, 2022-05-18)
    From the category “cultural memory”, the paper compares the works of different arts – a picturebook Kvity bilia chetvertoho (The Flowers beside the Fourth Reactor) by K. Mikhalitsyna and paintings of a representative of ...
  • Ступнік, Микола Іванович; Stupnik, Mykola; Моркун, Володимир Станіславович; Morkun, Volodymyr; Бакум, Зінаїда Павлівна; Bakum, Zinaida (2014)
    In the article the main current approaches to the training of mining engineers were reviewed. Attention were focused on the person-centered, competency-based, systematic and problem-based approaches. Competences that should ...
  • Мінтій, Ірина Сергіївна; Vakaliuk, Tetiana A.; Ivanova, Svitlana M.; Chernysh, Oksana A.; Hryshchenko, Svitlana M.; Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Вакалюк, Тетяна Анатоліївна (Svitlana H. Lytvynova, Serhiy O. Semerikov, 2021)
    The article presents a thorough literature review and highlights the main stages in the development of distance learning in Ukraine. Moreover, the paper suggests the periodization of distance learning. Research data on ...
  • Великодна, Мар’яна Сергіївна; Мірошник, Зоя Михайлівна (2014-04-17)
    This digest includes materials of the 1st International scientific-practical conference of young scientists devoted to current trends of development of world psychological practice. The digest reflects the theoretical and ...
  • Великодна, Марʼяна Сергіївна; Мішака, Наталія Анатоліївна; Мірошник, Зоя Михайлівна; Депутатов, Владислав Олександрович (2022-06-11)
    Дані проведеного емпіричного дослідження щодо психологічного аналізу змін, які переживає початкова освіта в Україні після російського вторгнення. Дані зібрано 16-20 травня 2022 року у Кривому Розі. У наборі даних представлено ...
  • Volkova, Nataliia P.; Rizun, Nina O.; Nehrey, Maryna V. (Arnold E. Kiv, Vladimir N. Soloviev, 2019-09-09)
    The article concerns the issue of data science tools implementation, including the text mining and natural language processing algorithms for increasing the value of high education for development modern and technologically ...
  • Моркун, Володимир Станіславович; Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Моркун, Наталія Володимирівна; Грищенко, Світлана Миколаївна; Ків, Арнольд Юхимович (CEUR-WS.org, 2018-11-30)
    The object is to the reasonable selection of the ICT tools for formation of ecological competence. Pressing task is constructive and research approach to preparation of future engineers to performance of professional duties ...
  • Konovalenko, Yurii; Garkavenko, Svitlana; Derkach, Tetiana; Morgulets, Oksana (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020-11-08)
    The paper aimed to study the readiness of the existing e-learning environment for the organisation of English-language learning among Ukrainian and international students on the example of a technical university in Ukraine. ...
  • Gal'perin, Yu. M.; Karpov, V. G.; Соловйов, Володимир Миколайович (Springer, 1988-11)
    A theory of the vibrational spectra of glasses, based on allowance for the statistical fluctuations of the local elastic constants, is proposed. The existence is established of two characteristic energies h, ...
  • Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Vakaliuk, Tetiana A.; Мінтій, Ірина Сергіївна; Гаманюк, Віта Анатоліївна; Соловйов, Володимир Миколайович; Бондаренко, Ольга Володимирівна; Нечипуренко, Павло Павлович; Шокалюк, Світлана Вікторівна; Моісеєнко, Наталя Володимирівна; Shepiliev, Dmytro S.; Вакалюк, Тетяна Анатоліївна; Шепілєв, Дмитро Сергійович (Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, 2022-04-16)
    Based on the analysis of sources on the problem of research, the article defines types of electronic educational resources (EER), general requirements for them, focuses on didactic and methodological requirements and ...
  • Balyk, Nadiia; Shmyger, Galina; Vasylenko, Yaroslav; Oleksiuk, Vasyl (EDP Sciences, 2020-03-26)
    The article analyzes the concept of the educational environment, its components and features of the structure. The concept of educational environment design was introduced. The components of educational environment design ...
  • Удріс, Ірина Миколаївна; Удріс-Бородавко, Наталя Сергіївна (КНУКіМ, 2019)
    The purpose of the article is to determine the artistic and graphic peculiarities of the Franco-Belgian exhibition poster of the 1890s in the context of the formation of the Art Nouveau style. The research methodology of ...
  • Balyk, Nadiia; Vasylenko, Yaroslav; Oleksiuk, Vasyl; Shmyger, Galina (Vadim Ermolayev, Frédéric Mallet, Vitaliy Yakovyna, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Vitaliy Kobets, Artur Korniłowicz, Hennadiy Kravtsov, Mykola Nikitchenko, Serhiy Semerikov, Aleksander Spivakovsky, 2019-06-30)
    The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the cybersecurity basics teaching. The training of the ICT-specialties students using the course “CCNA Cyber Operations” of the network academy Cisco is considered. ...
  • Bielinskyi, Andrii; Соловйов, Володимир Миколайович; Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Solovieva, Viktoria (Arnold Kiv, Serhiy Semerikov, Vladimir Soloviev, Liubov Kibalnyk, Hanna Danylchuk, Andriy Matviychuk, 2019-08-01)
    In this paper we study the possibility of construction indicators-precursors relying on one of the most power-law tailed distributions – Levy’s stable distribution. Here, we apply Levy’s parameters for 29 stock indices for ...
  • Prokhorov, Оleksandr V.; Lisovichenko, Vladyslav O.; Mazorchuk, Mariia S.; Kuzminska, Olena H. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020-11-08)
    This paper reveals the process of creating a career guidance 3D quest game for applicants who aim to apply for IT departments. The game bases on 3D model of computer science and information technologies department in ...