A modern person cannot live without the Internet, namely without digital technologies. The constant growth of information has led to the fact that there are many opportunities for digital transactions in various professions, one of them is a mining engineer. The process of reforming this profession requires more effective use of digital technologies in ecology, providing information management through introduction of innovations, creation of databases, programs, implementation of which will improve the quality of management of innovation processes. One of the promising directions of solving this problem is the use of geoinformation technologies. The article presents the results of the formula stage of the pedagogical experiment on checking the effectiveness of the method of using geoinformation technologies as a means of forming ecological competence of future engineers of the mining profile using the Pearson’s c2 -criterion, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s l-criterion and Fischer’s f -cr iterion. It is clear that the distribution of students in experimental and control groups by the level of environmental competence is statistically significant, due to the application of the developed methodology. In continuation of scientific search on this problem, it is expedient in the direction of development of methodical system of training of geoinformation technologies in students of specialty 122 “Computer sciences”.
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