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6. It’s been three long years since we voted to Leave which is why we can, must and will do so by October 31 [Electronic resource]. Mode of access : URL: Title from the screen.
7. No-deal is our Brexit bargaining chip and we must hold our nerve now more than ever. Mode of access : URL:
/politics/2019/03/10/brussels-has-treated-british-government-condes cension-bordering / Title from the screen.
8. Only a proper Brexit can spare us from this toxic polarization. Mode of access : URL:
/proper-brexit-can-spare-us-toxic-polarisation/ Title from the screen.
9. The people’s day of jubilation has been hijacked by spineless pirates. Mode of access : URL: Title from the screen.
10. The Tories need to get on with Brexit and learn to believe in Britain again. Mode of access : URL: /2019/03/31/tories-need-get-brexit-learn-believe-britain/ Title from
the screen.
11. Theresa May is a chicken who’s bottled Brexit. The only way forward is to come out of the EU now. Mode of access :
URL: Title from the screen.
12. We will prove Vladimir Putin wrong by leaving the EU by October 31. Mode of access : URL: /2019/06/30/will-prove-vladimir-putin-wrong-leaving-eu-october-31/ Title from the screen.