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Translator’s Gender in the Target Text

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dc.contributor.author Бережна, Маргарита Василівна
dc.date.accessioned 2020-12-31T06:57:07Z
dc.date.available 2020-12-31T06:57:07Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation Berezhna M. Translator’s Gender in the Target Text / M. Berezhna // Literary Discourse: Theoretical and Practical Aspects / M. Vardanian, V. Hamaniuk, M. Berezhna et al. – Riga, 2020. – Pp. 41-60. uk_UA
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9934-26-009-4
dc.identifier.uri http://elibrary.kdpu.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/4140
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.31812/123456789/4140
dc.description 1. Akasheva T.V., Rakhimova N.M. (2017). Osobennosti gendernogo podkhoda к perevodu khudozhestvennogo diskursa (na primere perevodov romana E. Yelinek «Lyubovnitsy» s nemetskogo yazyka na russkiy yazyk) [Peculiarities of the gender approach to the translation o f artistic discourse (on the material o f translations o f E, Jelinek’s novel The Lovers from German into Russian)]. Filologicheskiye nauki. Voprosy leorii і praktiki [Philological Sciences. Issues of Theory and Practice], vol. 10(76), part 2, pp. 34-40. 2. Bilaniuk L. (2003) Gender, language attitudes, and language status in Ukraine. Language in Society, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 47-78. DOI: 10.10170S0047404503321037 3. Denisova I.V. (2011). Osobennosti peredachi gendernogo aspekta v perev- ode khudozhestvennogoproizvedeniya [Peculiarities of the rendering of the gender aspect in the artistic translation] (PhD Thesis), Chelyabinsk. 4. Diachuk L. (2017). 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dc.description.abstract For the last three decades, the issue of translator’s gender and its representation in the target text has been actively researched in translation studies. Over the period there appeared numerous, sometimes contradicting views on markers of feminine / masculine / other types of speech, on whether the translator’s gender is revealed in the target text, and on the quality of translation depending on the translator’s gender. The present paper focuses on the translator’s gender markers in the target text. Taking into account the results of other linguists and my own observations, I consider the researched units being either definite or ambiguous markers of the translator’s gender. I want to bring to light gender differences in two Ukrainian translations (female translation by Natalia Tysovska and male translation by Viacheslav Brodovyi) of George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones. The semantic, pragmatic and stylistic shifts in the target text conditioned by the translator’s gender and gender stereotypes blur the sense of the source text. Thus, such shifts should be regarded as unwanted changes and better be avoided. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Publishing House “Baltija Publishing” uk_UA
dc.subject художній переклад uk_UA
dc.subject гендер перекладача uk_UA
dc.subject гендерні маркери мовлення uk_UA
dc.subject гендерні стереотипи uk_UA
dc.subject "Гра престолів" uk_UA
dc.subject зсуви у перекладі uk_UA
dc.title Translator’s Gender in the Target Text uk_UA
dc.type Book chapter uk_UA

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