1. G.V. Lutsenko, L.V. Kozulya, Analiz osoblyvostey
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2. V.S. Kruglyk, V.V. Osadchyi, Developing
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3. A.V. Spivakovskiy, N.A. Kushnir, N.V. Valko,
M.A. Vinnyk, ICT Advanced Training of University
Teachers. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1844
4. P.I. Fedoruk, Vykorystannya intelektualʹnykh
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(Use of intelligent agents to intensify the education
process). Shtuchnyy intelekt 3, 379–384 (2004)
5. R.V. Streltsov, L.V. Slavinskaya, Iskusstvennyy
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6. O.D. Humennyi, Kontseptsiya proektuvannya smartkompleksiv navchalʹnykh dystsyplin dlya zakladiv
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concept of designing smart-complexes of
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metodyka profesiynoyi osvity 2 (18), 100–112
7. V.V. Osadchyi, V.S. Kruglik, D.O. Bukreiev,
Rozrobka prohramnoho zasobu dlya
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for predicting admission of students to higher
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8. A.G. Molibog, Programmed training: Questions of
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9. A.M. Kuh, Dissertation, National Pedagogical
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10. P.D. Wasserman, Neural Computing: Theory and
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11. D.A. Gubanov, D.A. Novikov, A.G. Chkhartishvili,
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networks: models of information influence,
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12. O. Markova, S. Semerikov, M. Popel, CoCalc as a
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Special Course “Foundations of Mathematic
Informatics”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2104,
338–403 (2018), Accessed 30 Nov 2018
13. S.O. Semerikov, I.O. Teplytskyi, Yu.V. Yechkalo,
A.E. Kiv, Computer Simulation of Neural Networks
Using Spreadsheets: The Dawn of the Age of
Camelot. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2257, 122–
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14. S.O. Semerikov, I.O. Teplytskyi, Yu.V. Yechkalo,
O.M. Markova, V.N. Soloviev, A.E. Kiv, Computer
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15. S. Semerikov, I. Teplytskyi, Yu. Yechkalo, O.
Markova, V. Soloviev, A. Kiv, Using spreadsheets
as learning tools for computer simulation of neural
networks. SHS Web of Conferences 75, 04018
16. V. Osadchyi, N. Valko, L. Kuzmich, N. Abdullaeva,
Studies of impact of specialized STEM training on
choice further education. SHS Web of Conferences
75, 04014 (2020)
17. D. Bukreiev, Neuro-network technologies as a mean
for creating individualization conditions for students
learning. SHS Web of Conferences 75, 04013