The article deals with the problem of introducing cloud calculations into 10th-11th graders’ training to solve optimization problems in the context of the STEM-education concept. After analyzing existing programmes of optional courses on optimization problems, the programme of the optional course Optimization Problems has been developed and substantiated implying solution of problems by the cloud environment CoCalc. It is a routine calculating operation and not a mathematical model that is accentuated in the programme. It allows considering more problems which are close to reality without adapting the material while training 10th-11th graders. Besides, the mathematical apparatus of the course which is partially known to students as the knowledge acquired from such mathematics sections as the theory of probability, mathematical statistics, mathematical analysis and linear algebra is enough to master the suggested course. The developed course deals with a whole class of problems of conventional optimization which vary greatly. They can be associated with designing devices and technological processes, distributing limited resources and planning business functioning as well as with everyday problems of people. Devices, processes and situations to which a model of optimization problem is applied are called optimization problems. Optimization methods enable optimal solutions for mathematical models. The developed course is noted for building mathematical models and defining a method to be applied to finding an efficient solution.
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