The article dwells upon the Earth remote sensing data as one of the basic directions of Geo-Information Science, a unique source of information on processes and phenomena occurring in almost all spheres of the Earth geographic shell (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, etc.).
The authors argue that the use of aerospace images by means of the information and communication technologies involvement in the learning process allows not only to increase the information context value of learning, but also contributes to the formation of students’ cognitive interest in such disciplines as geography, biology, history, physics, computer science, etc.
It has been grounded that remote sensing data form students’ spatial, temporal and qualitative concepts, sensory support for the perception, knowledge and explanation of the specifics of objects and phenomena of geographical reality, which, in its turn, provides an increase in the level of educational achievements.
The techniques of aerospace images application into the modern school practice have been analyzed and illustrated in the examples: from using them as visual aids, to realization of practical and research orientation of training on the basis of remote sensing data.
Particular attention is paid to the practical component of the Earth remote sensing implementation into the modern school practice with the help of information and communication technologies.
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