Today’s young people, who make up the student community, are very experienced in many issues that affect their surroundings. Therefore, each educational institution should be able to introduce new forms and methods of communication with young people, their learning, that widely involve innovative technologies, activate the creative component of education, increase the independence of students, preparing them for the future profession. This is especially true for the preparation of maritime industry specialists, whose professionalism and competence not only the preservation of the vessel and the performance of its tasks at hand depend, but also the health and, even, the life of the entire crew. Modern educational innovations offer a wide range of different software tools. But only teacher should to choose his own methodology of discipline-teaching based on what trajectory most closely matches the maximum effect of this training. Therefore, modelling of such methodology in needs of deep analyse of both the learning support systems and the student’s attitude towards using of the latest information technologies in the educational process.
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