The authors of the given article continue the series presented by the 2018 paper “Computer Simulation of Neural Networks Using Spreadsheets: The Dawn of the Age of Camelot”. This time, they consider mathematical informatics as the basis of higher engineering education fundamentalization. Mathematical informatics deals with smart simulation, information security, long-term data storage and big data management, artificial intelligence systems, etc. The authors suggest studying basic principles of mathematical informatics by applying cloud-oriented means of various levels including those traditionally considered supplementary – spreadsheets. The article considers ways of building neural network models in cloud-oriented spreadsheets, Google Sheets. The model is based on the problem of classifying multi-dimensional data provided in “The Use of Multiple Measurements in Taxonomic Problems” by R. A. Fisher. Edgar Anderson’s role in collecting and preparing the data in the 1920s-1930s is discussed as well as some peculiarities of data selection. There are presented data on the method of multi-dimensional data presentation in the form of an ideograph developed by Anderson and considered one of the first efficient ways of data visualization.
1. Anderson E.: The Species Problem in Iris. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 23(3),
457–469+471–483+485–501+503–509 (1936). doi:10.2307/2394164.
2. Anderson, E.: Plants, Man and Life. University of California Press, Boston (1952)
3. Anderson, E.: The irises of the Gaspé Peninsula. Bulletin of the American Iris Society. 59,
2–5 (1935)
4. Anderson, E.: The Problem of Species in the Northern Blue Flags, Iris versicolor L. and Iris
virginica L. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 15(3), 241–332 (1928).
5. Chernoff, H.: The Use of Faces to Represent Points in K-Dimensional Space Graphically.
Journal of the American Statistical Association. 68(342), 361–368 (1973)
6. Fisher, R.A.: The Use of Multiple Measurements in Taxonomic Problems. Annals of
Eugenics. 7(2), 179–188 (1936). doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.1936.tb02137.x
7. Kabinet Ministriv Ukrainy: Deiaki pytannia vyznachennia serednostrokovykh
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8. Kabinet Ministriv Ukrainy: Deiaki pytannia vyznachennia serednostrokovykh
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(Certain issues of specifying medium-term priorities of the sectoral-level innovative
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https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/980-2017-%D0%BF (2017). Accessed 21 Mar 2019
9. Kiv, A.E., Semerikov, S.O., Soloviev, V.N., Striuk, A.M.: First student workshop on
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