The article defines the criteria for choosing a cloud-based platform for mastering the basics of quantum
informatics by students of a specialized (high) schools: cross-browser; intuitive interface; the possibility
of free access; access without registration and simplified registration; the presence of a systematized reference system with examples; support for the development of the environment by the developer; support
for working in a personal educational environment; support for working with quantum algorithms in
graphical mode; automatic conversion of quantum algorithms from graphic format to program code text;
support for the Ukrainian-language localization; availability of a mobile application; responsive design.
The possibilities of platforms for implementing quantum algorithms from the following companies
are analyzed: Microsoft, QuTech, Amazon Braket, IBM. The choice of the IBM Quantum cloud-based
platform is justified. Work at IBM Quantum Composer and IBM Quantum Lab is described. Information
about quantum operations and gates is presented: their designation in IBM Quantum Composer and
IBM Quantum Lab, the gate matrix, and the purpose of the gate. An example of implementing quantum
teleportation in the form of a circuit and program is given
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