У статті актуалізовано питання доцільності оновлення "Державного
класифікатора професій" із позицій гендерного підходу. На основі звернення до чинних у
різний час редакцій класифікатора професій та філологічних досліджень у галузі
словотвору, авторка доходить висновку про необхідність системного та комплексного
підходів до розв’язання питання, із подальшим уведенням гендерології (відповідно –
гендеролога/гендерологині) до переліку професійних спеціалізацій (відповідно – професій). The issue of the appropriateness of "State Classifier of Occupations" renovation from the
point of gender approach is under consideration in this article.
The assertion which is considered to be initial is that there is a necessity to provide equal
possibilities of a professional self-determination for all participants of the educational process
that might ensure a range of conditions, which a gender sensitivity of the state classifier of
occupations (SCO) can be referred to. The issues of gender sensitivity SCO suggest that
professions are represented only in one (masculinity) variant and that there are no genderoriented professions (specialties, specialization).
Taking into account the current revision of the classifier of occupations and philological
researches in the sphere of word-formation the author comes to a conclusion that a systematic and
comprehensive approach is required to solve the issue by implementing the following actions:
reapproaching to the section "General principles" corrections: 05 from 2008: "In the classifier of
occupations names of professions are represented only by masculine equivalents, except generally
accepted ones which are used in their feminine forms"; gradual introduction of femininities as
forms of parallel masculinities to define occupations which are enshrined in dictionaries of the
modern Ukrainian language that is they are considered to be standards; consultation with
linguists on the issue of the appropriateness and possibility of intr oduction of femininities
commonly used in the sphere of household but which have not acquired features of literary
standards yet; providing of guidelines on gender component implementation to professional
standards, educational activity standards, higher education standards; with further addition of
genderology (genderologist: female and male representatives) to the list of professional
specializations (correspondingly occupations).
Compliance with the above mentioned activities will ensure the approvement of gender
sensitivity of "State classifier of occupations" which will be considered as a fact confirming real
implementation of gender equality principal but not a declaratory one to the educational system of
our country.
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