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Developing a 3D quest game for career guidance to estimate students’ digital competences

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dc.contributor.author Prokhorov, Оleksandr V.
dc.contributor.author Lisovichenko, Vladyslav O.
dc.contributor.author Mazorchuk, Mariia S.
dc.contributor.author Kuzminska, Olena H.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-06T18:44:56Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-06T18:44:56Z
dc.date.issued 2020-11-08
dc.identifier.citation Prokhorov O. V. Developing a 3D quest game for career guidance to estimate students’ digital competences / Оleksandr V. Prokhorov, Vladyslav O. Lisovichenko, Mariia S. Mazorchuk, Olena H. Kuzminska // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - 2020. - Vol. 2731. - P. 312-327. uk
dc.identifier.issn 1613-0073
dc.identifier.uri http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2731/paper18.pdf
dc.identifier.uri http://elibrary.kdpu.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/4416
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.31812/123456789/4416
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dc.description.abstract This paper reveals the process of creating a career guidance 3D quest game for applicants who aim to apply for IT departments. The game bases on 3D model of computer science and information technologies department in the National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. The quest challenges aim to assess the digital competency level of the applicants and first- year students. The paper features leveraged software tools, development stages, implementation challenges, and the gaming application scenario. The game scenario provides for a virtual tour around a department of the 3D university. As far as the game replicates the real-life objects, applicants can see the department's equipment and class-rooms. For the gaming application development team utilized С# and C++, Unity 3D, and Source Engine. For object modeling, we leveraged Hammer Editor, Agisoft PhotoScan Pro, and the photogrammetry technology, that allowed for realistic gameplay. Players are offered various formats of assessment of digital competencies: test task, puzzle, assembling a computer and setting up an IT-specialist workplace. The experiment conducted at the open house day proved the 3D quest game efficiency. The results of digital competence evaluation do not depend on the testing format. The applicants mostly preferred to take a 3D quest, as more up-to-date and attractive engagement. uk
dc.language.iso en uk
dc.publisher CEUR Workshop Proceedings uk
dc.subject virtual reality uk
dc.subject quest game uk
dc.subject 3D model uk
dc.subject career guidance uk
dc.subject computer science uk
dc.subject higher education uk
dc.title Developing a 3D quest game for career guidance to estimate students’ digital competences uk
dc.type Article uk

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