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dc.description.abstract |
The paper in question outlines the main peculiarities of the phenomenon of headlines in terms of English discourse. Headlines are thought to be a critical component of journalism and media, as they shape initial readers’ impressions of a story serving as the first point of their contact. Using a corpus of headlines from various English-language publications (to be more precise, those of The Daily Mail and The New Yorker) the paper studies the linguistic features and strategies used in them. According to the conducted analysis it has been revealed that a range of linguistic devices, such as puns, alliteration, and rhyme are typical for headlines the use of which is justified by the desire to grab readers’ attention and make the headline more catchy. Additionally, headlines frequently employ exaggeration, hyperbole, and sensationalism to appeal to readers’ emotions and generate clicks. However, the study also finds that headlines can vary significantly across different genres and publications. For example, tabloid newspapers tend to prioritize sensationalism and entertainment value, while more serious publications tend to employ more understated and informative headlines. The relevance of the study is determined as well by the significant expansion of the influence of the media on society, as well as the growing interest in the methods by which this influence is strengthened. Overall, the paper sheds light on the complex and multifaceted phenomenon of headlines implemented in English discourse. By understanding the linguistic and rhetorical strategies employed in headlines, readers can better assess the accuracy and credibility of the suggested information and gain a more nuanced understanding of current events. |
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