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[1] Abuselidze G and Mamaladze L 2021 The impact of artificial intelligence on employment before and during pandemic: A comparative analysis Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In press
[2] Babakina O O, Otroshko T V and Shcherbak I V 2021 Using interactive scribe-presentations
when teaching Ukrainian Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[3] Bakhmat L, Babakina O and Belmaz Ya 2021 Assessing online education during the COVID-19
pandemic: a survey of lecturers in Ukraine Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[4] Balyk N, Grod I, Vasylenko Y, Oleksiuk V and Rogovchenko Yu 2021 Project-based learning
in a computer modelling course Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[5] Bilousova L, Gryzun L and Sivochka I 2021 Petri Nets Android application as a mobile aid for
students’ mastering modelling Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[6] Bobyliev D Y and Vihrova E V 2021 Problems and prospects of distance learning in teaching
fundamental subjects to future Mathematics teachers Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In press
[7] Bodnar S, Koval V, Deforzh H, Babych O and Tereshchenko O 2021 Expanding opportunities
for professional development through the use of integrated teaching Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[8] Chernenko V, Pochtovyuk S, Vakaliuk T, Shevchuk L and Slon Y 2021 Information system of
economic and mathematical modelling of pricing in the residential sector of Ukraine Journal
of Physics: Conference Series In press
[9] Derkach T M 2021 The origin of misconceptions in inorganic chemistry and their correction by
computer modelling Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[10] Drushlyak M G, Semenikhina O V, Proshkin V V and Sapozhnykov S V 2021 Training preservice mathematics teacher to use mnemonic techniques Journal of Physics: Conference
Series In press
[11] Fadieieva L, Makarenko I and Merzlykin P 2021 The turmite-based cryptographic algorithm
Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[12] Fedonuyk A, Yunchyk V, Mukutuyk I, Duda O and Yatsyuk S 2021 Application of the
hierarchy analysis method for the choice of the computer mathematics system for the ITsphere specialists preparation Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[13] Franchuk N P and Prydacha T V 2021 Organization and conduct of classes in educational
institutions during distance learning Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[14] Glazunova O G, Parhomenko O V, Korolchuk V I and Voloshyna T V 2021 The effectiveness
of GitHub cloud services for implementing a programming training project: students’ point
of view Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[15] Holovnia V, Horodyskyi M and Tkachuk A 2021 Students training for numerical control
machines programming by means of computer-aided manufacturing tools Journal of
Physics: Conference Series In press
[16] Horbatiuk R M, Bilan N M, Sitkar O A and Tymoshchuk O S 2021 The formation of
educational environment in foreign language training of energy engineering students by
means of project technology Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[17] Iatsyshyn Anna V, Popov O O, Kovach V O, Iatsyshyn Andrii V, Artemchuk V O, Radchenko
O O, Deinega I I and Kovalenko V V 2021 Formation of the scientist image in modern
conditions of digital society transformation Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[18] Kalashnikova L V, Lobanova A S, Hrabovets I V, Chernous L S and Chorna V O 2021 Modern
information and communication technologies in professional training of sociology students:
the mainstreaming of the needs and significance Journal of Physics: Conference Series In
[19] Kholoshyn I, Nazarenko T, Bondarenko O, Hanchuk O and Varfolomyeyeva I 2021 The
application of geographic information systems in schools around the world: a retrospective
analysis Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[20] Kiv A, Kolesnykova K, Koycheva T, Vinkovskaya A and Donchev I 2021 The development of creative thinking as an important task of educational process Journal of Physics: Conference
Series In press
[21] Komarova E V 2021 Replication, pseudoreplication and model experiment in the study of
population genetics Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[22] Konoval O, Turcot T and Solomenko A 2021 Contradictions in the traditional methods of
electrodynamics teaching as a determinant of its update Journal of Physics: Conference
Series In press
[23] Kramarenko T, Bondar K and Shestopalova O 2021 The ICT usage in teaching mathematics to
students with special educational needs Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[24] Kupchyk L and Litvinchuk A 2021 Constructing personal learning environments through ICTmediated foreign language instruction Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[25] Kuz’mich V I and Kuzmich L V 2021 Elements of non-Euclidean geometry in the formation of
the concept of rectilinear placement of points in schoolchildren Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[26] Kuznetsov V S, Moiseienko M V, Moiseienko N V and Rostalny B A 2021 Using Unity to
teach game development Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[27] Lavrentieva O, Horbatiuk R, Skripnik L, Kuchma O, Penia V and Pahuta M 2021 Theoretical
and methodological bases of designing the educational institution information and consulting
environment Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[28] Lavrov E, Logvinenko V, Siryk O and Kyzenko V 2021 Method for assessing the information
content of factors forming the cognitive independence of students Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[29] Lénárt I 2021 Comparative Geometry in distance education Journal of Physics: Conference
Series In press
[30] Leshchenko M P, Kolomiiets A M, Iatsyshyn A V, Kovalenko V V, Dakal A V and Radchenko
O O 2021 Development of informational and research competence of postgraduate and
doctoral students in conditions of digital transformation of science and education Journal of
Physics: Conference Series In press
[31] Lobanchykova N, Kredentsar S, Pilkevych I and Medvediev M 2021 Information technology
for mobile perimeter security systems creation Journal of Physics: Conference Series In
[32] Lobanova A, Kuzior A, Zoska Ya, Viznytsia Yu, Kochmanska A and Komarova O 2021 The
needs of intelligent information and media education for students of higher education
institutes: the sociological aspect Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[33] Malchenko S L 2021 Organization of astronomy hometasks with the use of informational and
communicative technologies for cognitive activity increase Journal of Physics: Conference
Series In press
[34] Meshko H M, Habrusieva N V and Kryskov A A 2021 Research of professional responsibility
of students of technical specialities by means of information and communication
technologies Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[35] Midak L, Kravets I, Kuzyshyn O, Baziuk L and Buzhdyhan K 2021 Specifics of using image
visualization within education of the upcoming chemistry teachers with augmented reality
technology Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[36] Morozov A V and Vakaliuk T A 2021 An electronic environment of higher education institution
(on the example of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University) Journal of Physics: Conference
Series In press
[37] Morze N, Varchenko-Trotsenko L, Terletska T and Smyrnova-Trybulska E 2021
Implementation of adaptive learning at higher education institutions by means of Moodle
LMS Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[38] Nechypurenko P P, Selivanova T V and Fedorynova N Ye 2021 Analysis of some aspects of the
implementation of the integrated course “Science” in the educational process of schools in Ukraine Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[39] Osadchyi V V, Valko N V and Kuzmich L V 2021 Using augmented reality technologies for
STEM education organization Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[40] Osadchyi V, Varina H, Falko N, Osadcha K and Katkova T 2021 The peculiarities of the usage
of AR technologies in the process of hardiness of future professionals Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[41] Panchenko L F, Korzhov H O, Kolomiiets T V and Yenin M N 2021 PhD student training:
principles and implementation Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[42] Pasichnyk V V, Bomba A Y, Nazaruk M V and Kunanets N E 2021 The dynamics simulation of
knowledge potentials of agents including the feedback Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In press
[43] Pavlenko M and Pavlenko L 2021 Formation of communication and teamwork skills of future
IT-specialists using project technology Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[44] Pihulevskyi P G, Anisimova L B, Kalinichenko O O, Panteleeva N B and Hanchuk O V 2021
Analysis of natural and technogenic factors on the seismicity of Kryvyi Rih Journal of
Physics: Conference Series In press
[45] Pokulyta I K and Kolotylo M O 2021 Media technologies and virtual practices in creative
approaches to educational training of a social worker Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In press
[46] Polhun K, Kramarenko T, Maloivan M and Tomilina A 2021 Shift from blended learning to
distance one during the lockdown period using Moodle: test control of students' academic
achievement and analysis of its results Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[47] Ponomareva N S 2021 Role and place of Informatics in the training of future teachers of
mathematics Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[48] Puleko I, Svintsytska O, Vlasenko O and Chumakevych V 2021 Software model for studying
the features of wireless connections in Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs) Journal of
Physics: Conference Series In press
[49] Pursky O I, Dubovyk T V, Babenko V O, Gamaliy V F, Rasulov R A and Romanenko R P 2021
Computational method for studying the thermal conductivity of molecular crystals in the
course of condensed matter physics Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[50] Radkevych V, Kravets S, Herliand T, Radkevych O and Kozak A 2021 Modern technologies in
the development of professional competence in teachers from professional (vocational)
education schools Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[51] Rybak A 2021 Learning by experimenting as a good way to effective and student friendly
mathematics education – experiences from Young Explorer's Club Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[52] Savosko V, Komarova I, Lykholat Yu, Yevtushenko E and Lykholat T 2021 Predictive model
of heavy metals inputs to soil at Kryvyi Rih District and its use in the training for specialists
in the field of Biology Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[53] Semerikov S O, Teplytskyi I O, Soloviev V N, Hamaniuk V A, Ponomareva N S, Kolgatin O H,
Kolgatina L S, Byelyavtseva T V, Amelina S M and Tarasenko R O 2021 Methodic quest:
Reinventing the system Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[54] Sergeieva L M and Stoychik T I 2021 Quality control modelling of competitive professionals’
training at vocational education institutions Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[55] Shavkun I H, Dybchynska Y S, Yudina O V, Bukharina L M, Shmygol N M and Shmygol Ye I
2021 Exploring the experience of integrated teaching of the management core courses in a
foreign language based on ICT use Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[56] Shepiliev D S, Semerikov S O, Yechkalo Yu V, Tkachuk V V, Markova O M, Modlo Ye O,
Mintii I S, Mintii M M, Selivanova T V, Maksyshko N K, Vakaliuk T A, Osadchyi V V,
Tarasenko R O, Amelina S M and Kiv A E 2021 Development of career guidance quests
using WebAR Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press [57] Shuhailo Ya V and Derkach T M 2021 Project-based learning for undergraduate engineering
students minoring in textile technology and design Journal of Physics: Conference Series In
[58] Skorenkyy Yu, Kozak R, Zagorodna N, Kramar O and Baran I 2021 Use of augmented realityenabled prototyping of cyber-physical systems for improving cyber-security education
Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[59] Sobchenko T M, Bashkir O I, Smolianiuk N M and Panchenko V V 2021 Analyzing the levels
of formation of future teachers’ innovative competency in Ukraine Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[60] Sultanova L, Hordiienko V, Romanova G and Tsytsiura K 2021 Development of soft skills of
teachers of Physics and Mathematics Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[61] Symonenko S V, Zaitseva N V, Vynogradova M S, Osadchyi V V and Sushchenko A V 2021
Application of ICT tools in teaching American English for computer science students in the
context of global challenges Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[62] Tkachenko L P, Dolgopol O O, Zhiglo O O, Kiryanova O V and Іvanova O A 2021
Implementation of professionally oriented ICT in the process of managers training Journal
of Physics: Conference Series In press
[63] Tkachuk A, Bezvesilna O, Dobrzhansky O and Ostapchuk A 2021 Single-rotor integrating
gyroscopic gravimeter Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[64] Tokarieva A V, Volkova N P, Degtyariova Y V and Bobyr O I 2021 E-learning in the presentday context: from the experience of foreign languages department, PSACEA Journal of
Physics: Conference Series In press
[65] Trubavina I, Dotsenko S, Naboka O, Chaikovskyi M and Meshko H 2021 Developing digital
competence of teachers of Humanitarian disciplines in the conditions of COVID-19
quarantine measures Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[66] Trubavina I, Vorozhbit-Gorbatyuk V, Shtefan M, Kalina K and Dzhus O 2021 From the
experience of organizing artistic and productive activities of older preschool children by
means of distance education in the conditions of quarantine measures for the spread of
COVID-19 Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[67] Tryus Y V and Herasymenko I V 2021 Approaches, models, methods and means of training of
future IT-specialists with the use of elements of dual education Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[68] Vakaliuk T A, Spirin O M, Lobanchykova N M, Martseva L A, Novitska I V and Kontsedailo V
V 2021 Features of distance learning of cloud technologies for the organization educational
process in quarantine Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[69] Velychko V Ye, Omelchenko S O, Khyzhniak I A and Fedorenko E G 2021 Developing and
using open electronic educational resources in educational activities Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[70] Vlasenko K V, Chumak O O, Sitak I V, Achkan V V and Kondratyeva O M 2021 Methods for
developing motivational and value-orientated readiness of math students at teacher training
universities for implementing educational innovations Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In press
[71] Vlasenko K V, Lovianova I V, Chumak O O, Sitak I V and Achkan V V 2021 The arrangement
of on-line training of master students, majoring in Mathematics for internship in technical
universities Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[72] Volkova N P, Tarnopolsky O B, Lebid O V, Kabanova M R and Vlasenko K V 2021 Students’
computer-based workshops in mandatory classes of English for students majoring in
psychology and linguistics: A comparative experimental study Journal of Physics:
Conference Series In press
[73] Yaremenko N, Kolomiets N, Kharadzjan N, Mishenina T and Kohut I 2021 Multimodality of
philological knowledge passing during the in-class activities using ICT Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[74] Zahorodko P V, Semerikov S O, Soloviev V N, Striuk A M, Striuk M I and Shalatska H M 2021
Comparisons of performance between quantum-enhanced and classical machine learning
algorithms on the IBM Quantum Experience Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[75] Zhaldak M I, Franchuk V M and Franchuk N P 2021 Some applications of cloud technologies in
mathematical calculations Journal of Physics: Conference Series In press
[76] Zinovieva I S, Artemchuk V O, Iatsyshyn Anna V, Popov O O, Kovach V O, Iatsyshyn Andrii
V, Romanenko Y O and Radchenko O V 2021 The use of online coding platforms as
additional distance tools in programming education Journal of Physics: Conference Series In
press |