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1. Види жіночої нижньої білизни усі типи і різновиди. URL: https://bystik.net/ua/a474577-vidy-zhenskogo-nizhnego.html (дата звернення 16.02.2024).
2. Побудова креслення базової основи жіночого плечового одягу. URL: https://fs01.vseosvita.ua/0100h9ci-4854.pdf (дата звернення 20.02.2024).
3. Жіноча нижня білизна та її тенденції на 2024 рік. Nicoletta : веб-сайт. URL: https://nicoletta.com.ua/blog/modni-tendencii-v-sviti-niznoi-bilizni-na-2024-rik (дата звернення 16.02.2024).
4. Adburgham, Alison. View of Fashion. London: Allen & Unwin, 1966. 288 p.
5. Allen, Agnes. The Story of Clothes. New York: Faber & Faber, 1955. 260 p.
6. Arnold, Janet. Patterns of Fashion 1680-1860. New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1972. 76 p.
7. Barton, Lucy. Historic Costume for the Stage. Boston: Walter H. Baker Co., revised 1961. 609 p.
8. Bradfield, Nancy. Costume in Detail: Women's Dress 1730-1930. Boston, Plays, Inc., 1983. 391 p.
9. Contains a good concise history of textile development by early man and first civilizations. Gutherie, R. Dale. Body .Hot Spots. New York: Van Nostrand, 1976. 376 p.
10. Corsetry & Underwear. Circle Publications, 1935-1977. 225 p.
11. Crawford, M.D.C. & Guernsey, Elizabeth A. The History of Corsets in Pictures. New York: Fairchild Publications, Inc., 1951. 41 p.
12. Crawford, M.D.C. & Crawford, Elizabeth. The History of Lingerie in Pictures. New York: Fairchild Publications, Inc., 1952. 81 p.
13. Cunnington, C. Willett and Phillis. The History of Underclothes. London: Michael Joseph, 1951. 266 p.
14. D'Assailly, Giselle. Ages of Elegance: 5000 Years of Fashion and Frivolity. Paris: Hachette, 1968. 251 p.
15. Davis, Dorothy. A History of Shopping. London: Routledge and Keegan Paul, 1966. 352 p.
16. Delivered in Boston, On Dress As It Affects the Health of Women. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1874. 304 p.
17. Dorner, Jane. The Changing Shape of Fashion. London: Octopus Books, 1974. 128 p.
18. Ewing, Elizabeth. Dress and Undress: A History of Women's Underwear. New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1978. 191 p.
19. Ewing, Elizabeth. Fashion in Underwear. London: Batsford Ltd., 1971. 160 p.
20. Glynn, Prudence. Skin to Skin: Eroticism in Dress. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. 157 p.
21. Good unusual pictures of fashion. Davenport, Millia. The Book of Costume. 2 vols. New York: Crown Publishers, 1948. 964 p.
22. Gordon, Lucile, Lady Duff. Discretions and Indiscretions. London: Jarrolds, 1932. 408 p.
23. Gorseline, Douglas. What People Wore. New York: Viking Press, 1952. 269 p.
24. Grass, Milton E. The History of Hosiery. New York: Fairchild Publications, 1955. 283 p.
25. Holliday, Robert Cortes. Unmentionables: From Figleaves to Scanties. New York: Ray Long & Richard Smith, 1933. 275 p.
26. Newton, Stella Mary. Health. Art and Reason. London: J. Murray, 1974. 317 p.
27. Norris, Herbert. Costume and Fashion; The Evolution of European Dress through the Earlier Ages. London and Toronto: Dent, 1924. 192 p.
28. Rees, Goronwy. St. Michael: A History of Marks & Spencer. London:Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969. 300 p.
29. Saint-Laurent, Cecil. ·The History of Ladies· Underwear. London: Michael Joseph, 1968. 240 p.
30. Taylor, John. It's a Small. Medium and Outsize World. London: Hugh Evelyn, 1966. 528 p.
31. Voci, Emily. The History of the Corset. New York: Gossard, 1946. 190 p.
32. Waugh. Norah. Corsets & Crinolines. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1954. 132 p.
33. Bare Necessities. URL: https://as.static-barenecessities.com/img/Static/BareNecessitiesBlocked.htm#:~:text=Now%20is%20the%20time%20for,feel%20like%20your%20sexiest%20self (дата звернення 15.02.2024).
34. LA PERLA. URL: https://laperla.com (дата звернення 20.02.2024)
35. SAVAGE X FENTY by Rihanna. URL: https://www.savagex.eu (дата звернення 20.02.2024).
36. These are the lingerie trends you’ll actually want to be seen in. URL: https://www.breakingnews.ie/lifestyle/these-are-the-lingerie-trends-youll-actually-want-to-be-seen-in-1586375.html (дата зверення 15.02.2024).
37. Types of Underwear. URL: https://blog.treasurie.com/types-of-underwear/
38. Victoria's Secret: Luxury Bras, Knickers, Lingerie, Sleepwear & Beauty. URL: https://www.victoriassecret.com/us/ (дата звернення 20.02.2024).
39. 2024 Lingerie Trends That Are Sexy, Flattering, and Deserve a Spot in Your Underwear Drawer. URL: https://stylecaster.com/lists/lingerie-trends-2024/satin-bodysuits/ (дата звернення 15.02.2024). |
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