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Різночасові топографічні карти Криворіжжя як інформаційний ресурс для ретроспективних досліджень

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dc.contributor.author Холошин, Ігор Віталійович
dc.contributor.author Бондаренко, Ольга Володимирівна
dc.contributor.author Варфоломєєва, Ірина Миколаївна
dc.contributor.author Ганчук, Олена Вікторівна
dc.contributor.author Мантуленко, Світлана Вікторівна
dc.date.accessioned 2018-05-22T05:54:35Z
dc.date.available 2018-05-22T05:54:35Z
dc.date.issued 2018-03-30
dc.identifier.citation Холошин І. В. Різночасові топографічні карти Криворіжжя як інформаційний ресурс для ретроспективних досліджень / І. В. Холошин, О. В. Бондаренко, І. М. Варфоломєєва, О. В. Ганчук, С. В. Мантуленко // Dniprop. Univer. bulletin. Geology, geography. – Дніпро, 2018. – Том 26, вип. 1. – С. 88–99. – Режим доступу: https://geology-dnu.dp.ua/index.php/GG/article/view/467/423 uk
dc.identifier.issn ISSN 2313-2159 (print)
dc.identifier.issn ISSN 2409-9864 (online)
dc.identifier.uri http://elibrary.kdpu.edu.ua/handle/0564/2236
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.15421/111810
dc.description Kholoshyn, I., Bondarenko, O., Varfolomeeva, I., Hanchuk, O., & Mantulenko, S. (2018). Різночасові топографічні карти Криворіжжя як інформаційний ресурс для ретроспективних досліджень. Журнал з геології, географії та геоекології, 26(1), 88-99. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15421/111810 uk
dc.description 1. Alekseyev, A. 2007. Heodezycheskaya sluzhba SSSR v Velykoy Otechestvennoy Voyne (1941-1945 hh.): ystorycheskyy aspekt [Geodesic Service of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945 ): A historical aspect]: a monograph. (252 р.) Novosibirsk: SSGA (in Russian). 2. Vladimirov, V. 1995. Problemy i perspektivy istoricheskogo komp'yuternogo kartografirovaniya perevoda [Problems and perspectives of historical computer mapping]: Information bulletin of the Association «History and Computer, № 13, 20-24. Moscow. (in Russian). 3. Istorychna entsyklopediya Kryvorizhzhya. 2007. [Historical Encyclopedia of Kryvyi Rih territory]: T. 1, Melnik, А., Balabanov, S. (Eds.). Kryvyi Rih: Publishing House (in Ukrainian). 4. Kudryavtsev, M. 1980. O voenno-topograficheskoj sluzhbe i topograficheskom obespechenii vojsk [About the military topographic service and topographic support of the war]. (250 р.). Moscow: RIOVTS (in Russian). 5. Levitsky, P. 1907. Uslovnye znaki dlya planov i kart [Conditional signs for plans and maps]. (33 р.) Moscow: Printing house Richter V. (in Russian). 6. Osnovnye polozheniya po soderzhaniyu topograficheskih kart masshtabov 1 : 25 000, 1 : 50 000, 1 : 100 000, 1 : 200 000, 1 : 500 000 i 1 : 1 000 000. GKINP-30. Utverzhdeny VTU i GUGK. 1976, 1977. [The main provisions for the contents of topographic maps of scale 1 : 25 000, 1 : 50 000, 1 : 100 000, 1 : 200 000, 1 : 500 000 and 1 : 1 000 000. HKINP-30. Approved by VTU and GUGK] Moscow: ONTI TSNIIGAIK, RIO VTS (in Russian). 7. Pavlova, V. 1970. Kartohrafichne vyvchennya terytoriyi Ukrayiny v period 1861-1917 [Cartographic study of the territory of Ukraine in the period of 1861- 1917] Geogr. research in Ukraine, Ed. 2, 141-149. Naukova Dumka, Kyyiv (in Ukrainian). 9. Smekalov, S., Fedorov, D. 2004. Geoinformacionnye tekhnologii v arheologicheskih issledovaniyah [Geoinformation technologies in archaeological research] Baltic State Techn. Un-ty. (104 p.) St.Petersburg (in Russian). 10. Sossa, R. 2007. Istoriya kartohrafuvannya terytoriyi Ukrayiny [History of mapping the territory of Ukraine] (336 р.). Lybid, Kyyiv : (in Ukrainian). 11. Tulokhonov, A., Beshentsev, A., Lubansov, A. 2007. Sozdanie geoinformacionnyh resursov na osnove retrospektivnih topograficheskih kart [Generating geoinformational resources on the basis of retrospective topographic maps] Computational technology. V.12, Ed. 3, 100-107. (in Russian). 12. Kholoshyn I. 2016. Pedahohichna heoinformatyka. Ch. 3. Нeoinformatsiyni systemy [Pedagogical geoinformatics. Part 3. Geoinformation systems] (176 р.). Kryvyi Rih (in Ukrainian).
dc.description.abstract Abstract. The results of the medium- and large-scale topographic maps study of Kryvyi Rih territory in different years of their publication, revealing the natural and anthropogenic condition of the territory, are dwelt upon in the article. The region is actually presenting a testing site for the long-term impact of the technosphere on the population and the environment to be studied. Spatial-temporal analysis provides an opportunity to completely re-examine many aspects in this problem. On the basis of complex historical, geographical, cartographic and mathematical-statistical methods of spatial analysis, an assessment of different cartographic materials is made from the point of view of their accuracy, reliability and comparability, which made it possible to select maps suitable for retrospective studies and solve a wide range of applied problems. It has been determined that: 1. The topographic measurements were not highly accurate before the beginning of the 20th century. So the first maps of Kryvyi Rih in general were made "by hand" and their error often exceeds half a kilometer. The mensul survey, the main type of topographic survey in the period of the Tsarist Russia, ensured a reduction in the error for the most important objects to 50-150 meters; however, secondary objects (rivers, country roads, vegetation zones, etc.) were still marked arbitrarily. 2. The standard metric system on topographic maps began to be used from the mid-30s of the 20th century. Until then, the distance on the terrain was measured by miles (1066, 781 m), and by English inches (2.54 cm) on maps. Consequently, it becomes necessary to transform units of length measures into modern indicators. In addition, it is necessary to check the scale, because it was of a formal nature in early topographic works. 3. For more than two hundred years of topographic studies of the region, the maps were created in different standards. For example, the Schubert map is executed in a pseudoconical, equal-sized Born projection, the Strelbitsky map is a conical equal projection of Lambert, whereas the General Headquarters map of the USSR is a transverse cylindrical conformal map projection of Gauss-Krue-ger. In this regard, when combining different maps, even when they are brought to the same scale, spatial shifts of the survey objectsare observed. In addition, their coordinates do not coincide, and if the latitude is not so significant, then the longitude coordinates vary in significant ranges. This is due, first of all, to the change in the basic meridian, from which the longitude reading was taken. 4. In compiling the majority of topographic maps of the region, earlier cartographic materials were widely used, which were updated with some degree of detail. As a result, many of the maps do not reflect the actual situational picture of the terrain at the time of their creation. Carrying out a retrospective analysis of Kryvyi Rih territory on the basis of a detailed study of the above-mentioned topographic items using GIS is the prospect of the further research. uk
dc.language.iso uk uk
dc.publisher Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара uk
dc.subject time-lapse topographic maps uk
dc.subject Kryvyi Rih territory uk
dc.subject accuracy uk
dc.subject authenticity uk
dc.subject retrospective studies uk
dc.subject різночасові топографічні карти
dc.subject Криворіжжя
dc.subject опорні точки
dc.subject точність
dc.subject достовірність
dc.subject ретроспективний аналіз
dc.title Різночасові топографічні карти Криворіжжя як інформаційний ресурс для ретроспективних досліджень uk
dc.type Article uk
dcterms.publisher Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

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