У статті розглянуто методику формування компетентностей з програмування у майбутніх учителів фізики й інформатики з використанням методу проектів. В якості мови програмування обрано мову Python. Наведено результати студентських робіт. В статье рассмотрена методика формирования компетентностей в программировании у будущих учителей физики и информатики с использованием метода проектов. В качестве языка программирования выбран язык Python. Приведены результаты студенческих работ. In the article the methodology of the carrying out of the laboratory-computing session in programming for the physics and computer science teachers-to-be using the project method. The description is based on the programming language Python and its graphical module VPython.
Practical work consists of few stages: carrying out of the laboratory works (team work), carrying out of personal tasks, public defense of the projects, analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each project.
On the first stage students receive the task: to carry out the study of the object translation using the programming language Python: the translation of the object, thrown angularly, the object translation under the constant force action, the translation of the solid under the action of the external force.
Examples of the personals projects: percolation model of the spiral galaxies; the first Kepler’s law; the second Kepler’s law; the third Kepler’s law; the model of the solar system; the Bohr’s atom model; the model of the harmonic oscillator oscillations; the model of the lines of force of the electric field, generated by point charges; the model of electrolysis on the plane cathode; the model of electrolysis on the point cathode; poolroom’s model of the ideal gas; the model of the light diffraction.
Defense of the projects take place publicly using the presentation of the results, which consist of: theme of the project; the common physical data; simplifications, used by the mathematical model creation; computer model; analysis of the possibilities of the using of built model (its place in the school course of the physics or astronomy).
Using of the project method during the laboratory-computing session favors the formation not only the special professional competencies by physics and computer sciences teachers-to-be (especially their axiological and social-behavioral constituent), but also the formation of many key competences – educational, mathematical, fundamental natural-scientific and technical competences.
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