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  • Бакум, Зінаїда Павлівна; Bakum, Zinaida; Бабенко, Тетяна Павлівна; Babenko, Tatiana (2014)
    The problems of students' scientific and research activity in medical colleges are described and analyzed in our article. Scientific analysis gives possibility to assert that one of decision ways of set tasks is an ...
  • Modlo, E. O.; Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Модло, Євгеній Олександрович (Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, 2014-03-20)
    Research goals: determine the characteristics of the development process, installation, configuration and usage of the filter SageMath for learning support system Moodle. Research objectives: to prove the feasibility of ...
  • Sultanova, L; Hordiienko, V; Romanova, G; Tsytsiura, K (IOP Publishing, 2021-03-19)
    The article considers the problem of the development of soft skills of teachers of Physics and Mathematics in higher educational institutions in the process of certification training in the system of postgraduate pedagogical ...
  • Klymenko, Mykola V.; Striuk, Andrii M.; Стрюк, Андрій Миколайович (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021-03-23)
    The paper considers the typical technical features of GPS-tracking systems and their development, as well as an analysis of existing solutions to the problem. Mathematical models for the operation of hardware and software ...
  • Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Vakaliuk, Tetiana A.; Мінтій, Ірина Сергіївна; Гаманюк, Віта Анатоліївна; Соловйов, Володимир Миколайович; Бондаренко, Ольга Володимирівна; Нечипуренко, Павло Павлович; Шокалюк, Світлана Вікторівна; Моісеєнко, Наталя Володимирівна; Ruban, Vitalii R.; Вакалюк, Тетяна Анатоліївна; Рубан, Віталій Романович (Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences, 2021-12-09)
    The article provides an overview of the origins and current state of machine vision systems, examples of machine vision problems. The article describes the use of computer vision systems in education in both conventional ...
  • Fedorets, Vasyl M.; Yevtuch, Mykola B.; Klochko, Oksana V.; Kravets, Nina P.; Grynyov, Roman S. (EDP Sciences, 2021-05-04)
    The article presents the methodology and methods of improving the health-preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher under conditions of postgraduate education based on the knowledge of prevention of acute ...
  • Yevtuch, Mykola B.; Fedorets, Vasyl M.; Klochko, Oksana V.; Shyshkina, Mariya P.; Dobryden, Alla V. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021-07-06)
    The article studies the results of the research aimed at the improvement of the methodology of develop- ment of the health-preserving competence of a Physical Education teacher in conditions of post-graduate education ...
  • Vlasenko, K V; Lovianova, I V; Rovenska, O G; Armash, T S; Achkan, V V (IOP Publishing, 2021-06-18)
    This article considers the issue of implementing a model of blended learning to prepare master students majoring in Mathematics (speciality code in Ukrainian educational system "014 Secondary Education. Mathematics"). The ...
  • Morkun, Vladimir S.; Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Morkun, Nataliya V.; Hryshchenko, Svitlana M.; Ків, Арнольд Юхимович (2018)
    The object is to the reasonable selection of the ICT tools for formation of ecological competence. Pressing task is constructive and research approach to preparation of future engineers to performance of professional duties ...
  • Makhachashvili, Rusudan; Мінтій, Ірина Сергіївна; Protsenko, Olena; Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Махачашвілі, Русудан Кирилевна; Проценко, Олена (Association for Computing Machinery, 2022-04-11)
    This volume contains papers presented at 2021 Digital Humanities Workshop (DHW 2021) which was held during December 23, 2021 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • Моісеєнко, Михайло Вікторович (Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, 2020)
    The article is sanctified to the analysis of the problem of forming digital competence for the students of pedagogical universities. On the basis of analysis of psychological-pedagogical researches and practical experience ...
  • Бакум, Зінаїда Павлівна; Польгун, Катерина В'ячеславівна (2017)
    It has been stated at the article that arrangement of inclusive education for student with special needs is based on introduction of systematic, individually-oriented and competency-based approaches. Specific didactic ...
  • Лаврентьєва, Олена Олександрівна; Моісеєнко, Михайло Вікторович; Моісеєнко, Наталя Володимирівна (SciTePress, 2023-07)
    In this study the results of the conducted theoretical and experimental research on determining, grounding and testing of didactic terms of shaping pedagogical universities students’ digital competence in the process of ...
  • Бакум, Зінаїда Павлівна; Морозова, Ксенія Олександрівна (2015)
    Didactical conditions of development of informative-communication competence of future engineers during master preparation, which will promote their personal and professional growth in conditions of modern society, are ...
  • Моісеєнко, Михайло Вікторович; Моісеєнко, Наталя Володимирівна; Kohut, Iryna V.; Ків, Арнольд Юхимович (Arnold E. Kiv, Mariya P. Shyshkina, 2020-07-20)
    The article defines and substantiates didactic conditions of digital formation competences of students of pedagogical universities: actualization of motivational value training of students of pedagogical universities; ...
  • Vasyliuk, Tamara; Lysokon, Ilia; Shimko, Iya; Василюк, Тамара Григорівна; Лисоконь, Ілля Олександрович; Шимко, Ія Миколаївна (2021)
    The article reveals theoretical and practical aspects of the digital educational environment of a university. The main normative and legal documents of Ukraine regulating the informatization of the sphere of national ...
  • Семеріков, Сергій Олексійович; Мінтій, Ірина Сергіївна; Makhachashvili, Rusudan K.; Махачашвілі, Русудан Кирилевна (Association for Computing Machinery, 2022-04-11)
    This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the Digital Humanities Workshop (DHW 2021), held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on the December 23, 2021. It consists of short introduction, papers’ review and some ...
  • Крамаренко, Тетяна Григорівна; Пилипенко, Ольга Сергіївна; Сердюк, Ольга Юріївна (2021)
    The purpose of the paper is to improve methodology of teaching Mathematics via the use of digital technologies. The task of the paper is to identify the issues that require a theoretical and experimental solution. The ...
  • Pinchuk, Olga P.; Sokolyuk, Oleksandra M.; Burov, Oleksandr Yu.; Shyshkina, Mariya P. (Видавничий центр Криворiзького державного педагогiчного унiверситету, 2019-12-19)
    Peculiar features of digital environment include: integration of ICTs; use of local and global networks and resources; support and development of qualitatively new technologies of information processing; active use of ...
  • Pinchuk, Olga P.; Sokolyuk, Oleksandra M.; Burov, Oleksandr Yu.; Shyshkina, Mariya P. (Arnold E. Kiv, Vladimir N. Soloviev, 2019-09-09)
    Peculiar features of digital environment include: integration of ICTs; use of local and global networks and resources; support and development of qualitatively new technologies of information processing; active use of ...