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dc.contributor.authorАнтонік, Валерій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorШтанько, Людмила Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorАнтонік, Ірина Петрівна-
dc.contributor.authorІваченко, В.-
dc.contributor.authorAntonik, V.-
dc.contributor.authorShtanko, L.-
dc.contributor.authorAntonik, I.-
dc.contributor.authorIvachenko, V.-
dc.identifier.citationAntonik, V., Shtanko, L., Antonik, I., & Ivachenko, V. (2022). New technology of reclamation of slopes of waste and excavated rocks of mines and quarries. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1049(1), 012003. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1049/1/012003uk
dc.description[1] Mazur A, Kucherevskyi V, Shol H, Baranets M and Sirenko T 2015 Journal Science and Innovation 11 37–46 [2] Pavlenko A, Kracova O and Korshikov I 2017 Ukrainsqiy botanichnyi Journal 74 360–372 [3] Popa Y and Kozak O 2005 Sposib formuvannja porodnykh vidvaliv z nastupnoju Biologhichnoju rekuljtyvacijeju (Method of forming waste heaps by subsequent biological reclamation) URL https: //sis.ukrpatent.org/uk/search/detail/282687/ [4] Popa Y 2005 Sposib ozelenennja osypiv (The method of landscaping talus) URL https://sis.ukrpatent. org/uk/search/detail/285325/ [5] Shaparj A 2009 Sposib rekuljtyvaciji vidvaliv skeljnykh pored ta prystrij dlja jogho zdijsnennja (Method of reclamation of rock dumps and device for its implementation) URL https://sis.ukrpatent.org/uk/ search/detail/418743/ [6] Chajkina G and Objedkova V 2003 Rekuljtivacija narushennykh zemelj v gornorudnykh rajonakh Urala vol 267 (Ekaterinburg: Uraljskoje otdjeljenije Rosijskoj Akademii nauk) [7] Kozhevnikov N and Zaushinceva A 2017 Vesnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Biologicheskije, tekhnicheskije nauki i nauki o Zemle. 5 43–47 [8] Skousen J and Clinger C 1993 Soil and Water Conserv 48 145–151 [9] 2014 Derzhavnyj Standart Ukrajiny No 7369:2013. Stichni vody. Vymoghy do stichnykh vod i jikhnikh osadiv dlja zroshuvannja ta udobrjuvannja (State standard of Ukraine No 7369:2013 Sewage. Requirements for wastewater and its sediments for irrigation and fertilization) URL http://online.budstandart.com/ua/ catalog/doc-page?id_doc=67921uk
dc.description.abstractThe urgent environmental problem of industrial Kryvbas is the reduction of dust formation from wind erosion of bare surfaces, especially slopes, dumps of iron ore mines and quarries. The best way to reduce the dusting of dumps is to afforest their surface with trees and bushes, but naturally this process can take up to 15-20 years, and the well-known scientific developments to solve this problem are ineffective or too time-consuming. The objective of our work is to create the innovative technology for active stimulation of self-organized vegetation of hard-to-reach steep slopes of dumps. To implement the idea, it is proposed to use standard hydroseeders for a new purpose, in particular, HM-0-HARV Turbo Turf hydroseeder, which is able to create hydroflow at a distance of 30-50 m. The article describes in detail the essence of the developed technology, method of organizing and conducting hydraulic sowing from both the lower and upper edge of the dumps. It is recommended to include seeds of herbaceous grass and legumes, deciduous trees and shrubs, mineral fertilizers and nutrient substrate (sewage sludge) in the seeding hydraulic mixture. The proportion of seeds of various plant species, fertilizers and nutrient substrate in the hydraulic mixture for sowing on the slopes of Kryvyi Rih dumps, which have a neutral soil acidity and contain at least 3% of the fine fraction of rocks in the surface structure, is substantiated. According to the results of testing the proposed technology, it is concluded that applying a mixture of seeds of herbaceous plants, trees and shrubs in combination with mineral fertilizers and nutrient substrate to the surface of dump slopes by hydroflow accelerates their self-organized vegetation by about 3-4 times. It is shown that crop care measures in the first year of plant vegetation (periodic watering and, if necessary, fertilizing using hydroseeder) can save up to 60-75% of seedlings and help stabilize newly created biogeocenosis in subsequent years.uk
dc.subjectslopes of wasteuk
dc.subjectexcavated rocksuk
dc.titleNew Technology of Reclamation of Slopes of Waste and Excavated Rocks of Mines and Quarriesuk
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