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Назва: Assessment of the ecological hybrid threat to industrial area in connection with the vital state of artificial woody plantations in Kryvyi Rih District (Ukraine)
Автори: Kvitko, M. O.
Savosko, V. M.
Lykholat, Y. V.
Holubiev, M. I.
Hrygoruk, I. P.
Lykholat, O. A.
Kofan, I. M.
Chuvasova, N. O.
Yevtushenko, E. O.
Lykholat, T. Y.
Marenkov, O. M.
Ovchinnikova, Y. Y.
Квітко, Максим Олександрович
Савосько, Василь Миколайович
Лихолат, Юрій Васильович
Григорюк, Іван Панасович
Чувасова, Наталія Олександрівна
Євтушенко, Едуард Олексійович
Ключові слова: ecological hybrid threat
forest ecosystems
artificial woody plantations
natural phytocenoses
forest conservation
vital state
industrial area
Kryvyi Rih District
Дата публікації: 2022
Бібліографічний опис: Kvitko, M. O., Savosko, V. M., Lykholat, Y. V., Holubiev, M. I., Hrygoruk, I. P., Lykholat, O. A., Kofan, I. M., Chuvasova, N. O., Yevtushenko, E. O., Lykholat, T. Y., Marenkov, O. M. & Ovchinnikova Y. Y. (2022). Assessment of the ecological hybrid threat to industrial area in connection with the vital state of artificial woody plantations in Kryvyi Rih District (Ukraine). IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1049, 012046. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/1049/1/012046
Короткий огляд (реферат): Among the concepts of sustainable nature management, forest conservation is considered as an important element. The state of forest ecosystem depends on the development trend of the mining and industrial area and the complex of social, ecological, and economic problems of Kryvyi Rih District. The object of this study was assessing the artificial woody plantations as a promising factor for ecological hybrid threat reduce in industrial areas on the example of the Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Mining and Metallurgical District on standpoint of an ecosystem approach. During 2015-2020, we studied the natural forest ecosystems and the artificial forest plantations, which were located in contrast environmental conditions. Forests are located very unevenly in the Kryvyi Rih District. They are mainly concentrated in River gullies, woody stands of city parks, woody stands of health protection zones, woody stands of city protection forest and woody stands of river protection forest. The woody plantations located on the territories of Kryvyi Rih District are very different in terms of coverage area and don’t reach the optimal level. This woody plantations level allows effect the climate, soil, and water resources. The woody plantations also mitigate the effects of erosion processes, as well as provide more clean air. The artificial woody plantations are an important element of environmental safety in Kryvyi Rih District. The main function of the artificial woody plantations is to maintain the soil in an optimal form for operation. It is also the protection of ground water and the stability of the meso- and microclimate in the region, moreover preserving the biodiversity of the territory’s ecosystems. The artificial woody plantations perform an anti- stress function for residents. It was established that the quality of reforming the ecological approach to greening the city’s territories, as well as preserving artificial woody plantations, was determined by the choice of such a management model and nature management policy. These models together should ensure the competitive ability and long-term development of the artificial woody plantations in Kryvyi Rih District. The maine industrial areas in the world should develop as an environmentally stable and safety metallurgical region in accordance with the principles of sustainable development in the world.
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