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dc.contributor.authorЛаврентьєва, Олена Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorЦись, Олег Олександрович-
dc.identifier.citationLavrentieva O. O. The theory and practice of managing students’ independent study activities via the modern information technologies / Olena Lavrentieva, Oleh Tsys // Technology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities. – 2019. – Vol. 1. – Pp. 41-44.uk
dc.descriptionKozakov, V. А. (1990). Independent work of students and its information and methodological support. Kyiv: Higher School, 248. 2. Malikhin, O. V. (2009). The students’ independent educational activities organization in terms of higher pedagogical educational establishments: theoretical and methodological aspect. Kryviy Rih: Publishing House, 309. 3. Pidkasisty, P. I. (2005). Organization of students’ educational and cognitive activity. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 144. 4. Lavrentieva, O. O., Tsys, O. O. (2019). Methodical approaches to organization of students’ independent study activities of the technological-pedagogical and engineering-pedagogical area of expertise into the information learning environment of Higher Education Institution. Scientific bulletin of Flight Academy. Section: Pedagogical Science, 5, 161–167. 5. Fayol, H. (1917). Administration industrielle et générale. Paris: Dunod et Pinat, 192. 6. Marmaza, O. I. (2007). Management in education: road map of the head. Kharkiv: Osnova, 448. 7. Yelnikova, G. (2005). Management competence. Kyiv: Editorial board of general-pedagogical newspapers, 128. 8. Karamushka, L. M. (2003). Psychology of management. Kyiv: Millennium, 421. 9. Shamova, T. I., Tretyakov, P. I., Kapustin, N. P.; Shamova, T. I. (Ed.) (2002). Management of educational systems. Moscow: Vlados, 320. 10. Noskova, T. N. (Ed.) (2015). Network educational environment: electronic resources. Saint Petersburg: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University named A. I. Herzen, 114. 11. Vakulenko, I. V. (2016). Management of students’ independent work using information and communication technologies. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 2: Computer-Oriented Learning Systems, 18 (25), 50–64.uk
dc.description.abstractTheoretical foundations and existent practical experience in providing scientifically grounded management of students' independent study activities with the use of the latest information technologies have been studied in the research. The issues of organization of various types of management of students' independent study activities have been considered. It has been reported, that there are direct, indirect, and dynamic types of management. The possibilities of ICTs in the implementation of each type of management the students' independent study activities have been shown. It has been taken into account, that the introduction of computer-oriented means of co-management and co-organization into the educational process reflects the realization student-centered concept of learning. There has been emphasized the need to use both direct and indirect types of management, which will make it possible for students to move to the position of an actor of independent study activity and capable of exercising self-government. The authors have been paid special attention to the means of developing the students' personality and forming their motivational readiness for independent study activities and self-education. It has been shown, that such necessary means include the following: to promote the development of students' self-organization, self-actualization, as well as their socialization, to encourage self-assessment and reflection throughout the process of organizing independent study activities; to personalize independent study activities, to offer personally and professionally meaningful learning tasks with clearly defined and understandable goals for a student, and to ensure their gradual complication; to create informative feedback; to strengthen students' motivation.uk
dc.publisherTechnology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanitiesuk
dc.subjectstudents' independent study activityuk
dc.subjectdidactic termsuk
dc.subjectdirect and indirect types of managementuk
dc.titleThe theory and practice of managing students’ independent study activities via the modern information technologiesuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра технологічної та професійної освіти

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