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Назва: The Procedures of Logistic Transport Systems Simulation in the Petri Nets Environment
Автори: Pavlenko, Olexiy
Velykodnyi, Denys
Лаврентьєва, Олена Олександрівна
Filatov, Sergiy
Ключові слова: simulation
logistic system of cargo delivery
Petri Nets
vocational training of future specialists for transport industry
Дата публікації: 8-лис-2020
Видавництво: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Бібліографічний опис: Pavlenko O. The Procedures of Logistic Transport Systems Simulation in the Petri Nets Environment / Olexiy Pavlenko, Denys Velykodnyi, Olena Lavrentieva, Sergiy Filatov // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - Vol. 2732. - P. 854-868.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article presents the methodology of the logistic system simulation into the Petri Nets environment on the example of agro-products delivery from Ukraine to the Netherlands, as well as a set of case-studies that can be used as didactic means for course “The modeling of transport processes” to teach the future transport industry specialists. The content, features and capabilities of the Petri Nets in the logistics systems simulation have been analyzed. A structural logistic system model of agro-products delivery, which takes into account the operation sequence, the combination peculiarities and the use resources in each subsystem, has been constructed into the Petri Nets. A time criterion has been proposed to determine the effective option for agro-products delivery. According to the results of the logistics system simulation into the Petri Nets environment, a statistical analysis of the parameters has been carried out. It has been made a choice of a suitable option of the delivery scheme allowing for the time spent and the magnitude of the possible costs associated with the use of certain transport modes. It has been made conclusion about feasibility of creating the case-study set, which is based on real facts and being solved into the Petri Nets environment, in order to organize the future transport industry specialists’ study and research activities.
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