Збірники наукових праць та матеріали конференцій : [248] Головна сторінка зібрання Перегляд статистики

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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 81 до 100 з 248
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021-05-04The introduction of the problem of personal identity in the university course of philosophyOlifer, Olena
2021-05-04Conceptual model for a study of emotional health of the young people in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemicChebykin, Oleksiy; Kosyanova, Olena; Vinkovska, Alina
2021-05-24Psychological factors of ICT competence formation in part-time students of the specialty “Preschool education”Lokhvytska, Liubov; Martovytska, Nataliia
2021-05-24Machine learning methods application for consumer bankingKaminskyi, Andrii; Nehrey, Maryna; Zomchak, Larysa
2021-05-24The problem of estimating the sustainable development of the integrated technogenic industrial systemRamazanov, Sultan; Honcharenko, Oleksandr
2021-05-24The concept of assessing the City Council management control level for effective decision makingMelikhova, Tetiana; Mikhailutsa, Olena
2021-05-24Monitoring the quality of e-learning implementation in educational institutionsHabrusiev, Valerii; Tereshchuk, Hryhoriy; Tsidylo, Ivan; Martyniuk, Serhii; Kulyanda, Olena
2021-05-24A forecasting the consumer price index using time series modelShinkarenko, Volodymyr; Hostryk, Alexey; Shynkarenko, Larysa; Dolinskyi, Leonid
2021-05-24Econometric modelling of bank activities: value-based approach to the problem loans terms’ reschedulingOnikiienko, Serhii; Dyba, Mykhailo; Gernego, Iuliia
2021-05-24Using a comprehensive index technology to analyze structural changes in the regions’ economic development in a COVID-19 pandemic: the case of UkraineHryhoruk, Pavlo; Khrushch, Nila; Grygoruk, Svitlana
2021-05-24Improving the innovative development management of Zaporizhzhia region’s industrial complexPulina, Tetiana; Shmygol, Nadiia; Narivs’kyi, Oleksii; Łuczka, Władysława; Shmygol, Yeugeniia
2021-05-24The development of energy consumption forecasting model for a metallurgical enterpriseBakurova, Anna; Yus’kiv, Olesia; Shyrokorad, Dima; Tereschenko, Elina; Riabenko, Anton
2021-05-24Marketing forecasting based on Big Data informationIvanov, Sergey; Ivanov, Mykola
2021-05-24Assessment of factors influencing the stability of Ukrainian export based on the fractal analysisKainara, Dmytro; Kaliuzhna, Iuliia
2021-05-24Application of blockchain technology in accounting and audit: international and domestic experienceNezhyva, Mariia; Zaremba, Olha; Nehodenko, Viktoria
2021-05-24Comparative analysis of the stock quotes dynamics for IT-sector and the entertainment industry companies based on the characteristics of memory depthMaksyshko, Nataliia; Vasylieva, Oksana
2021-05-24Economic productivity and competitiveness of Ukrainian exports due to the global challengesPetkova, Lesia; Berezina, Olena; Honcharenko, Iryna; Osadchenko, Ihor
2021-12-24Recurrence analysis of innovation behavior of bitcoin market agents in conditions of COVID-19Kucherova, Hanna; Los, Vita; Ocheretin, Dmytro; Bilska, Olha; Makazan, Evgenia
2020-10-26Machine learning approaches for financial time series forecastingDerbentsev, Vasily; Matviychuk, Andriy; Datsenko, Nataliia; Bezkorovainyi, Vitalii; Azaryan, Albert
2020-10-26Modelling of cryptocurrency market using fractal and entropy analysis in COVID-19Danylchuk, Hanna; Kibalnyk, Liubov; Kovtun, Oksana; Ків, Арнольд Юхимович; Pursky, Oleg; Berezhna, Galina
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 81 до 100 з 248