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dc.contributor.authorБакум, Зінаїда Павлівна-
dc.contributor.authorПольгун, Катерина В'ячеславівна-
dc.identifier.citationBakum Z. P. Didactic Principles of Inclusive Education Arrangement at Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Z. P. Bakum, K. V. Polgun // Science and Education a New Dimension (Pedagogy and Psychology) : international scientific journal. – Budapest, 2017. – Vol. V (54), is. 126. – Pp. 7–9. URL: http://seanewdim.com/uploads/3/4/5/1/34511564/ped_psy_v_54__126.pdfuk
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dc.description.abstractIt has been stated at the article that arrangement of inclusive education for student with special needs is based on introduction of systematic, individually-oriented and competency-based approaches. Specific didactic principles of inclusive education’s arrangement have been stated. Educational methods, mostly corresponding to aforesaid principles were defined. Peculiarities of inclusive education forms were noted. Importance of informational and communicational tools, used while working with students, having special needs was highlighted.uk
dc.subjectinclusive educationuk
dc.subjectstudent with special needsuk
dc.subjectdidactic systemuk
dc.subjecthigher educational institutionuk
dc.subjectінклюзивна освіта-
dc.subjectстуденти з особливими потребами-
dc.subjectдидактична система-
dc.subjectвищий навчальний заклад-
dc.subjectзаклад вищої освіти-
dc.titleDidactic Principles of Inclusive Education Arrangement at Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraineuk
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