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dc.contributor.authorKvitko, Maxim-
dc.contributor.authorSavosko, Vasyl-
dc.contributor.authorKozlovskaya, Iryna-
dc.contributor.authorLykholat, Yuriy-
dc.contributor.authorPodolyak, Aleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorHrygoruk, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorKarpenko, Aleksey-
dc.identifier.citationKvitko M. Woody artificial plantations as a significant factor of the sustainable development at mining & metallurgical area [Electronic resource] / Maxim Kvitko, Vasyl Savosko, Iryna Kozlovskaya, Yuriy Lykholat, Aleksandr Podolyak, Ivan Hrygoruk, Aleksey Karpenko // Second International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2021). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 19-21, 2021 / Eds. : S. Semerikov, S. Chukharev, S. Sakhno, A. Striuk, A. Iatsyshyn, S. Klimov, V. Osadchyi, T. Vakaliuk, P. Nechypurenko, O. Bondarenko, H. Danylchuk // E3S Web of Conferences. – 2021. – Volume 280. – Article 06005. – DOI : https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202128006005uk
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dc.description.abstractThe relevance of our research is determined by the need to find practical measures that will be aimed of the sustainable development formation and maintenance at mining and metallurgical areas by used of artificial woody plantation. The main objective of this work was on the standpoint of the ecosystem approach to consider the artificial woody plantations as a significant factor for sustainable development paradigm implementation at Kryvyi Rih mining and metallurgical district (Central Ukraine). During 2015-2020, by classical methods were studied the natural forest ecosystems and the artificial forest plantations, which are located in contrast ecological and environmental conditions. Numerous scientific papers about sustainable development have also served as materials for our work. At Kryvyi Rih mining and metallurgical district the leading characteristics of artificial woody plantations have a clear ecological and environmental conditionality. It is proved that in artificial woody plantations of this district tree species are in a state of stress. Therefore, these species lose stability due to the constant influence of adverse environmental factors of natural and anthropogenic genesis. The authors assume that the biogeochemical parameters of trees fallen can be considered one of the promising markers that determine the vitality / healthy of tree species and forecast the development of artificial woody plantations. It has been suggested that the artificial woody plantations at Kryvyi Rih mining and metallurgical area should acquire the status of one of the key factors that determine the sustainable development of this district and Ukraine as a whole. In practice, to achieve this goal, the following steps must be taken: (i) artificial woody plantation assessment, (ii) ecological and environment conditionality of artificial woody plantation current state ascertainment, (iii) sustainable model of artificial woody plantation development, (iv) sustainable management of artificial woody plantation, (v) sustainable development of artificial woody plantation. In the near future, it is recommended to optimize the Kryvyi Rih forest cover by 8-10%. The first step in streamlining and preliminary assessment of the artificial forest ecosystems sustainability is the use of biogeochemical indicators of the chemical circulation system relationship “Leaf precipitation -soil” as markers and predictors of the artificial forest current state in Kryvyi Rih District.uk
dc.publisherEDP Sciencesuk
dc.titleWoody artificial plantations as a significant factor of the sustainable development at mining & metallurgical areauk
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