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dc.contributor.authorDyulicheva, Yulia Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorKosova, Yekaterina A.-
dc.contributor.authorUchitel, Aleksandr D.-
dc.identifier.citationDyulicheva Yu. Yu. The augmented reality portal and hints usage for assisting individuals with autism spectrum disorder, anxiety and cognitive disorders / Yulia Yu. Dyulicheva, Yekaterina A. Kosova, Aleksandr D. Uchitel // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - 2020. - Vol. 2731. - P. 251-262.uk
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dc.description.abstractThe augmented reality applications are effectively applied in education and therapy for people with special needs. We propose to apply the augmented reality portal as a special tool for the teachers to interact with people at the moment when a panic attack or anxiety happens in education process. It is expected that applying the augmented reality portal in education will help students with ASD, ADHD and anxiety disorder to feel safe at discomfort moment and teachers can interact with them. Our application with the augmented reality portal has three modes: for teachers, parents, and users. It gives the ability to organize personalized content for students with special needs. We developed the augmented reality application aimed at people with cognitive disorders to enrich them with communication skills through associations understanding. Applying the augmented reality application and the portal discovers new perspectives for learning children with special needs. The AR portal creates illusion of transition to another environment. It is very important property for children with ADHD because they need in breaks at the learning process to change activity (for example, such children can interact with different 3D models in the augmented reality modes) or environment. The developed AR portal has been tested by a volunteer with ASD (male, 21 years old), who confirmed that the AR portal helps him to reduce anxiety, to feel calm down and relaxed, to switch attention from a problem situation.uk
dc.publisherCEUR Workshop Proceedingsuk
dc.subjectaugmented realityuk
dc.subjectautism spectrum disorderuk
dc.subjectanxiety disorderuk
dc.subjectaugmented reality portaluk
dc.subjectinnovations in educationuk
dc.titleThe augmented reality portal and hints usage for assisting individuals with autism spectrum disorder, anxiety and cognitive disordersuk
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