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Назва: Didactical Conditions of Development of Informative-Communication Competence of Future Engineers During Master-Preparation
Автори: Бакум, Зінаїда Павлівна
Морозова, Ксенія Олександрівна
Ключові слова: майбутні інженери
підготовка інженерів
інформаційно-комунікаційна компетенція
дидактичні умови
informative-communication competence
didactical conditions
Дата публікації: 2015
Бібліографічний опис: Bakum Z. Didactical Conditions of Development of Informative-Communication Competence of Future Engineers During Master-Preparation / Zinaida Bakum, Ksenia Morozova // Metallurgical and Mining Industry. – 2015. – № 2. – Pp. 164-167.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Didactical conditions of development of informative-communication competence of future engineers during master preparation, which will promote their personal and professional growth in conditions of modern society, are stated in the article.
Опис: 1. Task of Bolognese declaration [digital resource]. Available at: http://eduknigi.com/ped_view.php?id=7 2. Zimnyaya I.A. Kljuchevye kompetentnosti kak rezul'tativno-celevaja osnova kompetentnostnogo podhoda v obrazovanii. [Key competences as the specific-resultative base of competency building approach in education]. Moscow, development centre of quality problems of specialist training, 2004, 40 p. 3. Klich L.V. (2011). Establishing of master course in the system of higher education in Ukraine. Scientific reporter of National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine. Series: Pedagogics, psychology, philosophy, No 159, part 3, p.p. 72-79. 4. Kredenets N.D. Competency is paradigm of professional preparation of specialists. Modern information technologies and innovative training procedure during preparation of specialists: methodology, theory, experience, problems. Proceedings. No 6, Kyiv- Vinnytsia, DOV Vinnytsia, 2004, 701 p. 5. Maiorov A.N. Monitoring v obrazovanii [Monitoring in education]. Publishing house “Obrazovanie-Kultura”, 1998, 344 p. 6. Elen J., Verburgh A. Bologna in European Research-Intensive Universities Implications for Bachelor and Master Programs. Anwerp-Apeldoorn, Garant, 2008, 36 p.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://elibrary.kdpu.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/0564/422
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