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Назва: Development of Research Abilities and Skills of Students Studying in Educational Institutions of Accreditation I-II Level
Автори: Бакум, Зінаїда Павлівна
Bakum, Zinaida
Бабенко, Тетяна Павлівна
Babenko, Tatiana
Ключові слова: науково-дослідницька діяльність
проблеми дослідницької діяльності
вміння та навички дослідницької діяльності
студенти медичних коледжів
scientific and research activity
problems of research activity
research abilities and skills
students of medical colleges
Дата публікації: 2014
Бібліографічний опис: Bakum Z. Development of Research Abilities and Skills of Students Studying in Educational Institutions of Accreditation I–II level / Z. Bakum, T. Babenko // Social Educational Project of Improving Knowledge in Economic // Sepike, Ausgabe. – No 7. – 31.12.2014. – Pp. 6–9.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The problems of students' scientific and research activity in medical colleges are described and analyzed in our article. Scientific analysis gives possibility to assert that one of decision ways of set tasks is an implementation of planning in the departmental medical educational institutions І-ІІ levels of accreditation. The authors conducted a study where the results of student's competences and research skills are presented. They demonstrate the overall average opportunities for young people's creativity. Special attention should be paid to the essence and forming stage of students' research abilities and skills. It is proven that attracting students to scientific and research projects contributes upgrading of this sphere with innovative ideas and thoughts that bring scientific education to European standards.
Опис: 1. Zahumennov, Yu., Shelkovich, L. and Schwartz, G. (2005), Individually oriented technologies in education, Textbook for director, No. 9/10, pp. 10-24. 2. Sociological and Pedagogical Dictionary (2004), Edited by V. Radul, EksOb, Kiev, Ukraine, 304 p.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://elibrary.kdpu.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/0564/397
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